Sideshow Xander Harris 12 inch Action Figure from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Bestseller #1 Willow Rosenberg Costumes

  • UPC: 747720207387
  • ASIN: B000BW8A40
  • Brand: Sideshow
  • Manufacturer: Sideshow Collectibles
  • Alexander Lavell Harris, known as Xander to his friends, was the quintessential average high school guy - kind of geeky, always funny, but never part of the "in" crowd. Staying awake in biology class was enough of a daily challenge, much less confronting the fact that vampires and demons might actually exist. All that changed once Buffy Summers transferred to Sunnydale High and his world was never the same again. Together with his best friend Willow Rosenberg, they quickly discovered Buffy's secret life as The Slayer. Instead of running for the hills, the pair stuck by Buffy, forming her inner circle, known as The Scoobies. Over the years, Xander matured from the goofy, direction-less friend to the grounded, responsible rock that Buffy could always turn to in good times and bad. While he never was much of a fighter, that never stopped Xander from jumping into the fray, helping with research or just being there for his beloved friends.

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